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Tips and Examples For Writing Interesting Author Bio For Blogs

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Author bio is short introduction about the author who have written the post. Good author bio is always useful in many ways like if you are regularly guest blogging it may divert good number of traffic to your blog which will earn you regular readers for your blog  or will get you loyal twitter followers. There are so no such guidelines you need to follow while writing author bio, but it is useful if you follow some basic steps to get more out of your author bio information.

1.Introduce Yourself

The author bio should start with introduction of yourself, it may contain something personal about you or things that you are passionate about like your hobbies, interest, or simply the place you live. Alternatively you can describe your work or your new projects you are working on.

2.Keep It Short & Meaning Full

Bio should be always short, somewhere between 60-80 words will more then enough to give information about your self & It should not contain unnecessary stuffs that will disinterest your  readers.

3.Don’t Stuff It With Too Many URL’s

Just stuffing URL’s into author bio will make you look like an link spammer. You should not used more then 4 URL’s that may include a link to your website,blog, Twitter & Facebook page. Try to spread this spread this URL’s properly into your bio section rather then just listing URL’s one after the other.

4.Include Your Contact Information

Many people forget to include their contact details in the author bio section, which is not advisable as people would like to get in touch with you. The contact information should appear at the end of the bio section, you can use your Twitter, Facebook or email address as your contact info.

Example of Author Bio

I have shared some examples of author bio’s of famous blogger which will help you create your own interesting bio.


2.John O’Nolan

3.Igor Ovsyannykov – sharing email address in bio

4.Jacob Gube

5.Daniel Adams

6.Andy Swords

7.Johnson Koh

8.Callum Chapman – Introducing other projects

9.Brian – Sharing personal & professional information

10.Chris Spooner

11. Fabio Sasso

12.Catalin Zorzini

13.Jon Phillips

14.Ronald Bien – keeping it short, simple & straight

15.Chag Engle

16.Dainis Graveris – Author Bio encouraging users to get connected on various social network

17. Jad Limcaco

18.Sneh Roy – Intresting Bio providing info on common everyday activity.

19.Lam Nauyen

20. Jeremy Girard – A Good Example of adding humor into the bio section

21. Saad Basi – Describing multiple roles in the bio information

22. Shay Howe

23. Carol Francis

24.Kristen Fischer - Highlighting Stuff using bold tag in author bio

25. Joel Faiconer

Related Articles

Have some interesting Author Bio to share? Please mention in comments.

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