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Get Inspired: Beautiful Examples of Textures in Web Design

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Whenever you visit website these days, every single one of them is trying to compete one and another. Despite the difference of products or services they offer, their mission remain the same: to engage their visitor or customer. If you find adding big text, icons, or illustrations on web design isn’t so entertaining anymore, let’s add textures.

Some web designs use solid or gradient colors as their background, others use illustration to make it look attractive. As for textures, you can add it as the background of a web design, create a certain effect on the text, or even add it to the buttons or other web graphic elements. In this post, we will show you 5 types of texture in web design for your inspiration.


Retro/Vintage look is timeless. It may look old, but somehow this texture always get our attention and appreciation. Most web designers will use this type of texture to create the warm feel, others use it for travel and tour sites with Polaroid as the images frames.

Ernest Hemingway Collection

Dog House Cards

Vintage Web

The Big Chandelier Web

Corvus Art

The Foggy Google

The Cowboy Star

North Point Springfield

Team Fannypack



To avoid the “Web 2.0″ style, web designers use grunge texture to gives their design a less uniform, less structured, more organic look and feel. It doesn’t necessarily stand for dirty, though it’s easily recognized by the gritty texture, uneven/torn edges, worn, faded and aged graphic elements. This texture is best to use on any extreme sport, rock band, or any web design whose target is young people.

The Third Floor

Jazz Sequence


Target Productions

Snickers Online Campaign


Generation Church

Soma Communities


Syc Fuk Fashion


If you’re planning to create an elegant look for a web design, using a texture can be an alternative to make it more appealing. Though, you have to be selective in choosing the texture. Subtle textures work best for this type of look, although sometimes you can also use leather, wood, or even fabric texture.

Marcus James Wine

Abundant Life Christian Center

Outline to Design

Merten Snijders, Mhq Interactive 2007


Pizza Venetia

Moore Family Heritage Project

Café Rouge

East Point



Doodle look is another alternative for your web design. Most graphic designer and illustrator will prefer to use this look in order to blend their portfolio into the web design. Although sometimes it creates the childish look, but for the creatives like illustrator it’s smart and unique.

So Interactive

Instand Ad Legend

Allen Design Group

Yok Boyle Bir Yer



Dawghouse Design Studio

Legwork Studio

10 Words



In some case, one type of look may not be enough. There are no limit in web design. So be creative, mix several types of look by using textures for the design.

Grunge Retro



Jay Hafling

El Original Movimiento

Allen Solly

Andrew Brown

Bar Alternativo

Love of Jesus Family Church

Reskinned Blog


Whatever the type of texture you choose to use on your web design project, make sure it delivers the right look and feel based on your design concept. Let us know what type of texture do you use the most for your web design project or any thoughts about the topic in our comment section.

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