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All About jQuery:40 Fresh and Useful Tutorials and Plugins

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Among many JavaScript frameworks, jQuery is the most popular and most widely used because it includes event management, animation and Ajax interactions meant for an improved web development. JavaScript has become a no-brainer even for a beginner just because of the jQuery.
In this roundup, we have collected 40 most handy jQuery complete tutorials and techniques that will help you improving the communication with your customers and prospect clients through web portals.

Sweet Thumbnails Preview Gallery

Sweet Thumbnails Preview Gallery

( Demo | Download )

In this tutorial we will create an image gallery with jQuery that shows a preview of each image as a little thumbnail. The idea is to hover over the slider dots and make the regarding thumbnail slide into the previewer. When clicking a slider dot, the full image will slide in from the right or left side, depending on the currently viewed image.

Sweet Thumbnails Preview Gallery

Portfolio Zoom Slider with jQuery

( Demo | Download )

In this tutorial we are going to create some nice effects for a portfolio or similar website with jQuery. We will create a tiny slider and integrate it with the amazing Cloud Zoom plugin and the elegant Fancybox plugin.

Portfolio Zoom Slider with jQuery

Making Better Select Elements with jQuery and CSS3

( Demo | Download )

By far the browser controls are one of the most difficult elements to style consistently. This is why we are building a script that is going to take an ordinary select element, and replace it with a better looking, markup powered version, while keeping all the functionality intact.

Making Better Select Elements with jQuery and CSS3

Google Powered Site Search with jQuery

( Demo | Download )

In this tutorial we are using Google’s AJAX Search API, to create a custom search engine, with which you can search for web results, images, video and news items on your site.

Google Powered Site Search with jQuery

Merging Image Boxes with jQuery

( Demo | Download )

In this tutorial we will show you a nice effect for images with jQuery. The idea is to have a set of rotated thumbnails that, once clicked, animate to form the selected image. You can navigate through the images with previous and next buttons and when the big image gets clicked it will scatter into the little box shaped thumbnails again.

Merging Image Boxes with jQuery

Moleskine Notebook with jQuery Booklet

( Demo | Download )

In this tutorial we will show you how to use and customize the brilliant jQuery Booklet Plugin by talented Will Grauvogel. We will create a virtual Moleskine notebook with latest posts from the blog.

Moleskine Notebook with jQuery Booklet

Animated Form Switching with jQuery

( Demo | Download )

In this tutorial we will create a simple animated form switch with three very common forms. The idea is not to leave the page when the user goes to another form but instead make the new form appear within the same container, expanding or contracting to the dimensions of the new form.

Animated Form Switching with jQuery

Parallax Slider with jQuery

( Demo | Download )

In this tutorial We will make use of the parallax principle to move different backgrounds when we slide to an image in order to create some nice perspective. This will give a great depth to the whole slider when it’s in motion.

Parallax Slider with jQuery

How to Create a jQuery Confirm Dialog Replacement

( Demo | Download )

In this tutorial we are building a cross-browser, custom confirm dialog in the form of an easy to use jQuery plugin. You can choose the text, buttons, and actions that will be executed when they are clicked.

How to Create a jQuery Confirm Dialog Replacement

How to Make Auto-Advancing Slideshows

( Demo | Download )

In this short tutorial, we are going to take a look at a jQuery snippet that will help you automate any slideshow on your web site.

How to Make Auto-Advancing Slideshows

Client Testimonials Powered by PHP, XML and jQuery

( Demo | Download )

In this tutorial we are going to build a XML backed testimonial viewer, which, along with jQuery and XSL transformations, can display the set on your product pages.

Client Testimonials Powered by PHP, XML and jQuery

Coding a Rotating Image Slideshow w/ CSS3 and jQuery

( Demo | Download )

Today we are going to use jQuery and CSS3 rotations, along with the jQuery rotate plugin, to create a beautiful slideshow. You can use it to spice up your web sites, product pages and other projects with some CSS3 magic.

Coding a Rotating Image Slideshow w/ CSS3 and jQuery

Quick Feedback Form w/ PHP and jQuery

( Demo | Download )

In this tutorial we are making a feedback solution. Powered by jQuery, PHP and the PHPMailer class, this form sends the users’ suggestions directly to your mailbox.

Quick Feedback Form w/ PHP and jQuery

Bubbleriffic Image Gallery with jQuery

( Demo | Download )

In this tutorial we will create a bubbly image gallery that shows your images in a unique way. The idea is to show the thumbnails of albums in a rounded fashion allowing the user to scroll them automatically by moving the mouse.

Bubbleriffic Image Gallery with jQuery


( Demo | Download )

In this tutorial we will learn how to create a image slider with unique effects.


Custom Animation Banner with jQuery

( Demo | Download )

Custom Animation Banner with jQuery

How to Build an RSS Reader with jQuery Mobile

( Demo | Download )

In this tutorial, we will dive in, and build a simple Tuts+ RSS reader, using PHP and jQuery Mobile. When we’re finished, you’ll have the ability to add this simple project to your iPhone or Android phone with the click of a button, as well as the skills to build your web apps!

How to Build an RSS Reader with jQuery Mobile

Display Elements Sequentially with jQuery

( Demo | Download )

In this video quick tip, Jeffrey will teach you how to add a bit of flair to your page, by displaying a set of elements sequentially. While there are numerous ways to accomplish this task, today, we’ll review one technique that uses recursive functions.

Display Elements Sequentially with jQuery

jQuery tutorial: fancy FAQs

( Demo | Download )

This tutorial will show you how to use jQuery in order to generate easy-to-read and eye-pleasing FAQs, with a fancy slide down effect. This script will help you enhancing both user experience and accessibility, by making your page tidier and way more structured and compact.

 fancy FAQs

Annotation Overlay Effect with jQuery

( Demo | Download )

In this tutorial we will create a simple overlay effect to display annotations in e.g. portfolio items of a web designers portfolio. We got the idea from the wonderful portfolio of www.rareview.com where Flash is used to create the effect. We will use jQuery.

Annotation Overlay Effect with jQuery

Snippet – jQuery Syntax Highlighter

( Demo | Download )

Snippet is a jQuery syntax highlighting plugin built on top of the SHJS script found on SourceForge. Snippet provides a quick and easy way of highlighting source code passages in HTML documents.

Snippet – jQuery Syntax Highlighter

Apple-like Retina Effect With jQuery

( Demo | Download )

In this tutorial you will learn how to create Apple-like Retina Effect With jQuery.

Apple-like Retina Effect With jQuery

Animate Panning Slideshow with jQuery

( Demo | Download )

In this tutorial we’ll take the makings of a classic slideshow, but use a different kind of transition to animate between slides. It may not fit every project, but diversity is always welcome in the world of web design.

Animate Panning Slideshow with jQuery

Colourful rating system with CSS3

( Demo | Download )

Here, we’re going to do a relatively simple jQuery tutorial. Rating systems are used a lot on websites, for example to rate how good a certain product, article or comment is. I slightly wanted to improve this idea, by making it more visually attractive.

Colourful rating system with CSS3

Smooth animated quote display

( Demo | Download )

Time for yet another jQuery quickie! These relatively simple jQuery tutorials will show you a simple, yet beautiful effect making use of jQuery. This way, you can learn and create something very cool at the same time.

Smooth animated quote display

Create Custom PopUp (Modal Window) with jQuery

( Demo | Download )

In this tutorial we will Create Custom PopUp (Modal Window) with jQuery.

Create Custom PopUp (Modal Window) with jQuery

Create a Digg-style post sharing tool with jQuery

( Demo | Download )

In this tutorial, we are going to make a digg-style post sharing toolbox. It’s all pretty straight forward and need a little bit of planning. The way it works is different with digg’s. If you view the html source code of Digg’s, it has the sharebox html code in every single post. But, in this tutorial we have only one sharebox, and all the links are sharing the same template.

Create a Digg-style post sharing tool with jQuery

Create an Attractive Before and After Photo Effect with jQuery

( Demo | Download )

In this tutorial author is going to show you how to build it and how to convert it to plugins. Tested on IE6, 7, 8, Firefox, Chrome and Safari.

Create an Attractive Before and After Photo Effect with jQuery

CSS3 Rounded Image With jQuery

( Demo | Download )

In this tutorial you will learn how to round the corners of an Image With jQuery

CSS3 Rounded Image With jQuery

Simple JQuery Image Slide Show with Semi-Transparent Caption

( Demo | Download )

Simple JQuery Image Slide Show with Semi-Transparent Caption

Tabbed Content with Navigation using jQuery UI

( Demo | Download )

This tutorial is on content slide with manual navigation using Tab function of jQuery UI library.

Tabbed Content with Navigation using jQuery UI

Jquery Tutorial : Toggle Effect on Hover/Click

( Demo | Download )

In this tutorial we will learn how to get simple toggle effect on hover/click with jQuery. We will use Css and Jquery to get our final output. Check out the demo before getting into the tutorial.

 Toggle Effect on Hover/Click

Simple Tooltip w/ jQuery & CSS

( Demo | Download )

There are a lot of tooltip plugins out there, but not many of them explain what exactly goes on in the logic of a tooltip, this tutorial will explain it with detail.

Simple Tooltip w/ jQuery & CSS

Fresh JQuery Image Gallery with Captions and Auto Play/Pause Rotation

( Demo | Download )

In this tutorial you will learn how to create an awesome jquery gallery which is transparent, fixed on screen, autoplay on/off buttons and css3 stylized gallery. He used simple jQuery functions and make them more clear by commenting the code and making them parametrized.

Fresh JQuery Image Gallery with Captions and Auto Play/Pause Rotation


( Demo | Download )

Slides is a crazy simple slideshow plugin for jQuery. With features like looping, auto play, fade or slide transition effects, crossfading, image preloading, and auto generated pagination.


Sexy Drop Down Menu w/ jQuery & CSS

( Demo | Download )

In this tutorial Soh Tanaka would like to go over how to create a sexy drop down menu that can also degrade gracefully.

Sexy Drop Down Menu w/ jQuery & CSS

Create Smooth Rotatable Images with CSS3 and jQuery

( Demo | Download )

How to use CSS3 and jQuery to create images that can be smoothly rotated using the mouse. Full example and code download included.

Create Smooth Rotatable Images with CSS3 and jQuery

Jquery Timer Gallery

( Demo | Download )

In this tutorial you will learn how to create Jquery Timer Gallery.

Jquery Timer Gallery

Super Ajax Polling/Voting System using JQuery, Ajax, PHP and MySQL

( Demo | Download )

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a Super Ajax Polling/Voting System using JQuery, Ajax, PHP and MySQL.

Super Ajax Polling/Voting System using JQuery, Ajax, PHP and MySQL

reCaptcha style Captcha with JQuery and PHP

( Demo | Download )

This tutorial is about to creating a captcha.

reCaptcha style Captcha with JQuery and PHP

Super Shopping Cart with JQuery. Part II

( Demo | Download )

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a Super Shopping Cart with JQuery.

Super Shopping Cart with JQuery. Part II

Related posts:

  1. 14 Fresh jQuery Plugins Focusing On Image Gallery And Slideshows
  2. 10 Useful jQuery Wordpress Plugins To Enhance Your Blog
  3. Amazing Multi Style Menu w/ jQuery and CSS

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