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55 of The Most Colorful and Inspiring Web Designs

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In this showcase we’ve put together a great collection of some of the most colorful web designs out there. If you need some inspiration for any sort of design or just want to have a look at some truly great web designs, these are definitely worth having a look at !

These websites will show you a good portion of all the good design that is available out there. It’s all about trying to think a bit outside of the traditional look and using your creativity and imagination.


1. Splendour in the grass – 2010

2. Forest Edge music festival

3. World design capital Helsinki 2012

4. Pieoneers

5. GO Mammoth

6. 8th Continent Soymilk

7. Silly poems

8. Xhtmlcafè

9. Carbonmade

10. Bibliofaction

11. AdaptD

12. PopCap games

13. IGC Enterprises

14. Potzytywka

15. Vacation in Supetarska Draga

16. NineFlavors

17. Veerle’s blog

18. Giraffe restaurants

19. Mikii

20. Twittground

21. Jeff Sarmiento

22. Realmac software

23. Good

24. Organic grid

25. Matt Mullenweg aka Photo Matt

26. Lebloe

27. Danny Halarewich

28. Andrea Cima Serniotti

29. Rucksack

30. Rareview

31. F5

32. ReservoirBuzz

33. The House Media

34. Colourpixel

35. Open atrium

36. Willians Fernandes

37. Getmefast

38. Getting crazy on the waltzers

39. Sitesquared

40. Huxley prairie fest

41. FeedStitch

42. Pally giraffe

43. Mooolah

44. Herbal essences

45. LePushMail

46. Radium labs

47. Revolucao etc

48. Chapolito

49. Sound and show

50. Design slurp

51. ilovecolors

52. Green Any Site

53. Gisele Jaquenod

54. Claire Baxter

55. Mooty

Those were our 55 picks. We hope you’ve found some inspiration here.

Remember to share the article if you’ve enjoyed it – and leave us a comment!

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